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Flexible working – how to make it work for your company

by Keeley Edge

/ Company Culture, Employers

Flexible working has been the buzzword since the start of the pandemic. We are constantly hearing about the potential benefits to both employees and employers, but very little about any drawbacks. So what is flexible employment exactly? What forms does it come in? What are the pros and cons? And is there a flexible working solution for all industries?

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The 3 big benefits of values-based recruitment

by Keeley Edge

/ Company Culture, Recruitment

There’s a lot of talk about values-based recruitment (VBR), as more and more companies realise the benefits of a recruitment process that places more emphasis on attracting candidates with beliefs and values that align with theirs.

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Is your workplace benefits package working for you?

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

At a time when many sectors are not only still dealing with the fall-out of the pandemic, but are also in the throes of a recruitment and cost-of-living crisis, there are financial stresses and strains at every level.

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6 signs of stress in the workplace and how to help

by Keeley Edge

/ Workplace Wellbeing

In the first year of the pandemic, looking after employee mental health was a top priority for many employers. Two years on, the world is learning to live with Covid but the focus on employee wellbeing has slipped according to a recent CIPD report. Find out more about the 6 signs of stress in the workplace, how to identify them, and how you can help.

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Why graduates are good for SMEs and SMEs are good for graduates

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers, Recruitment, Training & Development

Have you been put off hiring a graduate in the past? Was it their lack of experience? The absence of a graduate training scheme at your company? It turns out, graduates aren’t only a good fit for big corporations. SMEs can benefit a great deal from hiring graduates and a great many of them are looking for a role in an SME. Here’s why.

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Why I started the Key Appointments Franchise

by Keeley Edge

/ Company News

Despite the many ‘influencers’ claiming you can make £100k a week from your sun lounger, running a business is hard, especially in a competitive industry like recruitment.

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A 3-step guide to looking after your employees' mental health

by Keeley Edge

/ Company Culture, Employers, Recruitment, Workplace Wellbeing

Stress, anxiety, insomnia, loneliness, depression... mental health problems are wide ranging, life limiting, and affect us all.

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8 new tax year changes you need to know about

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers, Employment Legislation

The end of the tax year is a busy time for business, as accounts are finalised, reports are drawn up and a company’s financial health is assessed. As it’s been another challenging 12 months for most, it’s worth getting to grips with the changes that lie ahead in 2022/23, so that you can mitigate the effects by planning and adapting.

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4 Ways to Embrace Neurodiversity in the Workplace

by Keeley Edge

/ Company Culture, Employers, Policies & Procedures, Recruitment

When we talk about diversity and inclusion in the workplace, attention is often focused on the importance and benefits of having a good mix of gender, age, and race. But what about the fair treatment and inclusion of those with differences we cannot see? Neurodiversity is one such difference that is all too often overlooked.

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How succession planning can future-proof your company

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers, Recruitment, Training & Development

Succession planning is not only a strategy for replacing executive and leadership roles when employees are promoted, leave or retire. It is about nurturing talent, boosting skillsets, and providing your staff with a clear career path that will encourage retention and company growth.

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