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Cause for Optimism

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

In the final quarter of 2011 UK unemployment figures rose 0.

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Top 5 Employment Law Updates for 2012

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

2012 will see many updates and changes in employment law below we have listed the 5 we belive employers most need to know about.

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Ailing health and social care for an ageing Britain

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

It’s no secret that budget cuts enforced by the government are going to affect our day to day lives.

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Are our graduates employable?

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

A recent report released by the Association of Graduate Recruiters found that 32.

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Interview ‘No Shows’ Leave Jobs Unfilled

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

 Guest Blogger Julie Sykes of JCS HR discusses the rising number of 'no shows for interviews'According to Huddersfield based HR specialist Julie Sykes of JCS HR, one of the reasons vacancies remained unfilled is the high level of ‘no shows’ at interview.

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Career Management: what it really means

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

Inflating costs of living have undoubtedly added to a climate of uncertainty within the workforce.

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Company values; making the difference?

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates

When searching for your next career move how important is a company’s values?

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New Outlook for a New Year...

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

We cannot help but be barraged by the constant media stream of information reporting the rise in unemployment figures, gas prices soaring and the cost of living going up, but is it all doom and gloom?

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Survival of the Office Party

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

Alas the Festive season is upon us and too the fabled Office Christmas Party.

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The Benefits of Feedback

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

Guest Blogger Christine Tautari of The Needle Online explains why feedback is vital in the recruitment process and how it can benefit your company.

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