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Interviewing Techniques - A guide for Employers

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

As an employer it is vital that you recruit the right candidate for the right role, but making sure you gain relevant, factual information when interviewing can be difficult.

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Listening is a Gift

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

Written by Pete ScotcherHave you ever been to a friend for help and heard a long list of their problems in response?

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Social Media Blunders

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates

As a recruiter, it comes as no shock to us when we see some real hair raising blunders candidates make.

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Say it Out Loud!

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

 Written by Pete ScotcherI recently came back from holiday and felt overwhelmed by the tasks I needed to do.

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Job Application Blunders

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

 More than half of employers (56%) have caught a candidate lying on their CV according to research from recruitment software provider Careerbuilder.

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Employee referrals can work well, but don’t miss out on the best candidates

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

According to research from employment review website Glassdoor, sourcing candidates through employee referrals can lead to a successful job match, but this method will not always lead to the best talentThe research found that employee referrals boost the odds of this by between 2.

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Recruiting the right people for your business

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

For any business – recruitment is no exception – maintaining values and standards consistently in an office can be a difficult task.

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We know what it's like to be a candidate

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates

HR has forgotten what it’s like to be a candidate, former head of talent and resourcing at TalkTalk Jo Taylor has said after she was speaking on a panel at the REC’s Talent, Recruitment and Employment Conference 2015.

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Byron uses 'speed dating' to recruit

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

High-end hamburger chain Byron has adopted a ‘speed dating’ approach to recruitment.

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Qualifications are not everything, it seems.

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates

 Skills, work experience and personal attributes on a CV are more important to managers than qualifications, according to research by Conference Genie.

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