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Remove barriers through meaningful inclusion

by Keeley Edge

/ Company Culture, Employers, Employment Legislation, Workplace Wellbeing

As the world starts to right itself and the economy tries to recover following the last few months, many businesses are in the difficult place of looking at restructures and redundancies.

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Top challenges for new hires during lockdown

by Keeley Edge

/ Company Culture, Employers, Recruitment, Training & Development

This month, we asked Hannah Woodruff from Omnizio to share her knowledge and expertise around hiring and onboarding new employees.

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A time for reflection and learning

by Keeley Edge

/ Company News, Employers, Workplace Wellbeing

Tuesday 17th March was probably the day when it sunk in for me that the UK was indeed going to be hugely affected by COVID-19. It was the day that everything seemed to turn upside down at Key Appointments and it all seemed to happen within a couple of hours!

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Why you should offer flexible working when working remotely

by Keeley Edge

/ Company Culture, Employers, Policies & Procedures, Training & Development, Workplace Wellbeing

Sounds strange doesn’t it?! Surely employees working remotely are working flexibly. After all, they are getting to stay at home, probably sat in their PJ’s with a laptop on their knee – right?!

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Will working from home become the new norm?

by Keeley Edge

/ Company Culture, Employers, Policies & Procedures

Remote working has been a hot topic over the past few years and with the current coronavirus pandemic, it looks like many businesses have now had no choice but to look for ways in how employees can work from home.

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Work effectively from home by "zoning"

by Keeley Edge

/ Candidates, Employers, Workplace Wellbeing

If you are now in the stage of working from home, you may be having to evolve into this physical and emotional space, acclimatising to this new style of working.

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Good Work Plan legislation is coming into effect - is your business ready?

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers, Employment Legislation, Policies & Procedures

This month, we have a guest blog from Emma Harvey from Candid HR on the Good Work Plan, which is coming into effect in April 2020. Candid HR are offering advice to business owners about key legislation.

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Attitude versus skill: how to find the right balance when recruiting?

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers, Recruitment

In an ideal world, you would employ people with all the necessary qualifications and experience, as well as all the desired personal attributes.

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Recruiting in a Candidate Shortage Market

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers, Recruitment

In recent years, many companies have been finding it difficult to fill roles due to a shortage of quality candidates. In some sectors, this is because of a skills shortage, while in others, it is down to the changing demands of employees.

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Are you creating a positive company culture?

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

One of the biggest reasons that employees leave a company is poor management. If you want to retain your most talented employees, then you must create a great culture, and this has to start from the top.

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