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Will Santa Claus be coming to the office?

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

It's coming around to that time of year again, whether you would like to admit it or not, Christmas is rapidly approaching.

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Interns: a companys' obligations...

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

Yesterday data released by the Office for National Statistics revealed that unemployment figures for 16 – 24 year olds has now risen to a record breaking high 991,000 in the quarter, a rate of 21.

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Career search tips...

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates

The 2011 CIPD Resourcing and Talent Planning survey revealed that nearly three quarters of Britain’s business’ are struggling to fulfil their requirements.

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I Spy... competitive intelligence or industrial espionage?

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

Industrial espionage, or ‘spying’ as it more commonly known, is carried out for commercial purposes rather than those of national security.

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Unemployable Britain?

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

The 2011 CIPD Resourcing and Talent Planning survey revealed that nearly three quarters of Britain’s business’ are struggling to fulfil their requirements.

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Forthcoming Legal Updates

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

The latest in legal employment updates for the forthcoming months; October 2011Equal rights for Agency WorkersFrom the 1st October 2011 the Agency Workers Directive will be implemented in the UK.

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Good for you and your business?

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

Since Dame Caroll Blacks report in 2008; Working for a Healthier Tomorrow, health and well being in the workplace has become somewhat of a hot topic.

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What's crowding your space?

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

  Guest Blogger Rick Armstrong, Business Mentor of Mentor Group gives us food for thought when managing our time.

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The Big C...

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

Whether we ourselves will be affected or someone close to us, it is more likely than not that we will all be touched by Cancer in our lifetimes.

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Tupe and Pre-packs

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

Guest Blogger Richard Parr of Blacks Solicitors LLP of Leeds discusses Tupe and Pre-packs in light of recent decisions made by the Employment Appeal Tribunal ("EAT").

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SECTOR FOCUS: Digital and Tech

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SECTOR FOCUS: Sales and Customer Service

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SECTOR FOCUS: Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering

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