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Hutton review calls for Whitehall to examine Private Sector

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

The Hutton review of Fair Pay in the Public Sector was released today, potentially sparking controversy in the Public & Private Sectors.

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The Big Freeze: Financial Planning & Employee Pay Setting

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

With the financial year coming to an end in April, and many employers reviewing budgets we decided to review the difficult subject of salaries, pensions and employee wage setting.

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Avoiding friction in the workplace

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

Whether you are an employee or an employer your working environment can have a huge impact on your productivity and general well being.

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Interview Preparation

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates

So you’ve gotten the interview, what next?

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First Impressions Count

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates

Ever felt as though your CV’s holding you back?

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Employment Law Updates 2011

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

Below is a brief list of forthcoming Employment Law Changes for the first 6 months of 2011.

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Psychometric Testing

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers

Psychometric tests can be taken online or handed out in paper form and measure different things dependant on the type of test.

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Absence Management

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

In the last few years Employers have become more aware of the disruption and damage that absence and sickness can cause in the workplace.

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Redundancy Pitfalls for Employers

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers

Redundancies are in some cases inevitable, at such a difficult time for your business it is crucial that you keep on top of the situation and communicate with your employees, those being made redundant and those who will continue with the business.

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Positive News for Job Seekers

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates

According to the CIPD’s (Chartered Institute for Personnel Development) latest report“A surge in private sector job creation will ‘more than offset’ the public sector job cuts in the final quarter of this year”It was found that while more than 4 in 10 public sector organisations are already making redundancies, demand for labour in the private sector has risen.

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