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Top 10 tips for conducting productive telephone interviews

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

Telephone interviews can be very beneficial in the recruitment process. They allow you to screen candidates so that you only bring the best talent forward to interview stage.

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How to recruit the right people

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

Now the festive period is over and we are settling into 2018, many business owners are thinking about how to grow their company over the next 12 months.

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10 Top Tips for finding that dream job

by Keeley Edge

/ Candidates

new year usually means a new start for a lot of people. Reviewing career goals and embarking on the search for a new job is up there with all the new year resolutions to lose weight and get fit.

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How to conduct effective appraisals

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

Once you have the right people, you’ll want to retain them and help them reach their full potential. A crucial part of performance management is conducting regular appraisals or performance reviews.

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Are you managing poor performance?

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

Many managers find it difficult to address poor performance; if they can avoid conflict they will. The problem is that if you ignore poor performance in the workplace, no matter how small, it can lead to bigger issues down the line.

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What does your Social Media presence say about you?

by Keeley Edge

/ Candidates

Most companies and organisations have a social media presence these days and it is becoming more important for them to protect their brand online. These days that also means knowing about what their employees and potential employees’ social media presence is and what they are saying and posting online.

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How to create a social media policy for your business

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

This quarter we are concentrating our blogs around HR Policies and Procedures and one area that has had increased importance over the past few years is the importance of having a social media policy to protect both your business and employees.

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Marketing yourself with a great CV

by Keeley Edge

/ Candidates

Although some companies are adopting new and creative ways for candidates to apply for their vacancies, a CV application is still the most popular way for companies to assess the suitability of candidates against a specific vacancy.

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Do you have a HR policy in place?

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

Although most businesses have a basic understanding of HR, many still do not have a documented HR policy or even basic HR systems and processes in place. A HR policy does not have to be complex, but you should have one in your company to protect both yourself and your employees.

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Job Searching: How to Learn from Rejection

by Keeley Edge

/ Candidates

The chances of landing the first job you apply for after Uni are slim (but not impossible). Luck plays a big part. Job searching can be demoralising over time when you don’t find what fits. The intensity and mundanity of the process can sap your energy. How can you learn from rejection?

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