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Workplace stress and anxiety: what to look out for

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

In 2017, the prime minister commissioned an independent review into how employers can better support employees' mental health. The report showed that 15% of people in work had symptoms of an existing mental health issue.

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Are you making your employees sick?

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

Absenteeism costs UK businesses millions of pounds each year, while presenteeism is one of the biggest threats to productivity. Many companies believe sickness and stress are part of everyday life, so they simply accept it and take the hit.

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How to reward your team

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

It is a fact that everybody likes to feel appreciated for what they do. It makes us feel good about ourselves. In the workplace, it has been found that the principal motivator for employee performance is recognition of a job well done and people would much rather work for an employer that recognises their efforts rather than only giving feedback when they have done something wrong!

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The real reason you’re losing staff

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

It’s easy to think employees leave simply because they got a better offer, but there’s usually a reason they were looking for a new job in the first place.

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How to conduct a role and skills audit

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

A role audit helps you understand whether you are utilising your employees’ skills effectively and whether you need to amend existing roles or create new ones.

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How to retain or replace great employees

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

‘New year, new me,’ often leads to people evaluating their career and thinking about a new direction. This means that many companies start to receive resignation letters around the end of January from employees who have decided that it’s time for a change.

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5 ways employees can boost your employer branding

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

Your employees are a key part of your employer branding. If your employees are invested in helping you attract more of the right people to your company, your recruitment initiatives will be more successful.

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Are your job adverts attracting the right candidates?

by Keeley Edge


When you’re advertising a role, you’ll probably want to attract the highest-quality candidates. After all, the better the people you have working within your organisation, the better your company will perform. Creating an engaging job advert is important if you want to convince talented candidates to apply.

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How to improve your employer branding

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers

Why should people work for your company? What differentiates you from other employers? Employer branding focuses on the attraction, engagement and retention of high-calibre employees.

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Saying it by email: tips for effective written communication

by Keeley Edge

/ Candidates, Employers

How many times have you misinterpreted an email, thought someone was being rude when they weren’t, or been completely confused by what was written?

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