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How to keep new starters engaged from offer to induction

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers, Policies & Procedures, Recruitment

You’ve found the perfect candidate and you’re ready to offer them the position, but what next? How will you ensure that you keep them engaged between accepting your offer and starting their induction?

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Top challenges for new hires during lockdown

by Keeley Edge

/ Company Culture, Employers, Recruitment, Training & Development

This month, we asked Hannah Woodruff from Omnizio to share her knowledge and expertise around hiring and onboarding new employees.

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Attitude versus skill: how to find the right balance when recruiting?

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers, Recruitment

In an ideal world, you would employ people with all the necessary qualifications and experience, as well as all the desired personal attributes.

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Recruiting in a Candidate Shortage Market

by Keeley Edge

/ Employers, Recruitment

In recent years, many companies have been finding it difficult to fill roles due to a shortage of quality candidates. In some sectors, this is because of a skills shortage, while in others, it is down to the changing demands of employees.

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Talent mismatch - don't let it cost your business!

by Richard Hayden

/ Employers, Recruitment

Businesses from all the major economies, including the UK, are reported to be losing billions of pounds through recruitment errors.

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To Interview or not to Interview?

by Richard Hayden

/ Candidates, Employers, Recruitment

A London HR Connection has recently heard divided opinions as to whether interviewing a candidate is always necessary.

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