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SECTOR FOCUS: Digital and Tech

Posted in Candidates, Employers, News, Recruitment, Training & Development on Aug 12, 2024 by Keeley Edge


Industries: Tech, Finance, Creative Industries

Yorkshire’s reputation as a growing tech hub is well-earned, with cities like Leeds and Sheffield at the forefront of digital innovation. 

As competition for tech talent intensifies, employers need to be proactive in identifying and recruiting individuals with the right digital skills.

For job seekers in the region, understanding which skills are in demand can be the key to unlocking new career opportunities. 

Key Skills in Demand:

AI and Machine Learning: As AI continues to revolutionise industries, professionals with expertise in machine learning, natural language processing, and AI ethics are highly sought after.

Full-Stack Development: With the ongoing demand for digital solutions, full-stack developers skilled in both front-end and back-end technologies, such as React.js and Node.js, are invaluable.

Cybersecurity: The rise in cyber threats has made cybersecurity a top priority for businesses. Employers should seek professionals with skills in threat analysis, incident response, and security architecture.

Cloud Architecture: As cloud adoption continues, expertise in designing, deploying, and managing cloud infrastructures on platforms like AWS and Azure is in high demand.

Employer Strategies:

Develop In-House Talent: Consider upskilling current employees through targeted training programs in AI, cybersecurity, and cloud computing. Invest in online courses, certifications, and partnerships with local tech schools to build a continuous learning culture.

Build a Talent Pipeline: Establish relationships with local universities and coding bootcamps to create a steady pipeline of emerging tech talent. Offer internships, apprenticeships, and graduate schemes that allow students to gain practical experience while contributing to your projects.

Engage with Tech Communities: Participate in local tech meetups, hackathons, and conferences. Sponsoring these events or hosting your own can increase your company’s visibility and appeal to active professionals in the tech community.

By aligning your talent acquisition and development strategies with the current demands of the Yorkshire job market, your organisation will be well-positioned to thrive in 2024 and beyond.

Career Strategies - How to Acquire These Skills:

Stay Informed: Regularly check job boards and industry reports to keep track of the latest trends in your field.

Network: Engage with local industry groups and attend events to connect with potential employers and peers.

Online Courses and Certifications: Platforms like Coursera, Udemy, and LinkedIn Learning offer courses that can help you build expertise in these areas. Look for courses that offer industry-recognized certifications.

Bootcamps: Intensive coding bootcamps, such as those offered by Northcoders in Leeds, can provide you with hands-on experience in a short amount of time.

As you navigate the job market in Yorkshire, these insights can guide you in making informed decisions about your career development. By aligning your skills with the demands of the region, you’ll be well-positioned to seize the opportunities that 2024 has to offer.

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